#83: 3 Thoughts I'm Leaving in 2023 and My 2024 Mindset

As the chapter of 2023 comes to a close, you may feel compelled to reflect on the year — but if you're like me, you may also be too tired and forward-focused for a big "reflect sesh" to sound fun right now.

So as to not miss out on any valuable lessons, but also to make reflection doable enough to, erm, DO...I'm offering a simple but powerful practice to look back and make a game plan for what's ahead.

Listen in as I share 3 toxic, unhelpful thoughts I'm leaving behind (and how you can locate the beliefs you don't want to invest in next year).

And how I'm laying the foundation for an intentional mindset going into the New Year.

Cheers to many powerful, authentic, self-honoring decisions to come in 2024!