#94: Why You Need to Change How You Think about GOALS

Do you have clear, specific goals? Are they written down? Do you talk about them with anyone regularly – check in on your progress and plans for pursuing them?

Does it surprise you that most people's answers to all of these questions are NO?

In this episode, I'm breaking down "goals" in a way you might not have heard before.

Because I don't just want you to achieve what you want in life.

I want you to know WHY you want those things, and to set yourself up to thrive EVEN IF plans go awry.

The truth is: No life-changing goal is 100% guaranteeable.

You can only control and predict and plan for the smallest, easiest, safest outcomes.

But if you want to create an aligned life full of rich experiences, being your most unlimited, authentic self...You're going to need to set BIG goals.

Here's where we go in this week's episode:

  • How most people think of goals (hint: not useful)
  • Why set a goal (really)? 
  • What if you fail?  
  • Baking vs Cooking 
  • Goal Study results you want to know!

