#56: 2-CLIENT INTERVIEW! The Best Coaching Tools for Entrepreneurs

career change client success stories goals make things easy over-working overwhelm self-compassion self-trust Jun 15, 2023

Are you paving your own path? 

Running a business or side-hustle, working multiple jobs, crafting your own career??

This is the episode for you!

I talk with two clients who've both changed careers and are now in charge of their own work — and how they each use Coaching to improve their work AND their lives.

Kelsea is a Co-Founder of a Tech Startup, and Diana is a Voiceover Actor. YES. 🙌

Here's what you'll get in this interview:

  • How much time & energy decisions consume (And how to get efficient with 'em)
  • Overcoming the challenge of creating your own structure as a business owner 
  • How you can set clearer priorities AND boundaries by differentiating your CEO Mindset from your "Employee Self"
  • The SURPRISE key to success when you're "carving your own path" (hint: It's totally Self-Compassion)

More links!

  • Grab your Free Crash Course on How to Say NO: A quick but in-depth training & downloadable that'll set you up for any situation where you want to say NO and stick to it, guilt-free!
  • Ready to take charge of your time, productivity, mindset, and how you treat yourself...? Yup, you're ready for Coaching. Set up your consult to see if this is right for you.

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Ready to make literally everything easier? 

Grab your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Easy Decisions!

6 solutions to get outta your head this instant & know exactly what to do next 🙌

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