#14: The Decision Audit: A Cure for End-of-Year Anxiety

anxiety clarity decision confidence goals taking action Aug 18, 2022
Kirsten Parker
#14: The Decision Audit: A Cure for End-of-Year Anxiety

Real-time, it's August...but somehow my brain wants to already start freakin' out about 2023!

If you have anxious anticipation about anything coming up - especially "making the most of the end of the year!" - this is the episode for you!

I share how doing a (super quick) Decision Audit for MYSELF led me to make a fun, powerful, easy decision to join my next Coaching Mastermind 🎉 and how you can use the same process to find out what decisions YOU might wanna make next!


👉Get the deets on the DMP: Enrollment opens soon!👈

In this episode, we talk about:

  • How that anxious anticipation feeling doesn't have to be a straight-up distracting exhaustion-fest! (Truly, I used that feeling as a cue to examine my choices, and it helped.)
  • How to do an "audit" without judgment (it's not only possible...it's necessary! 😉)
  • How you can use this practice to feel empowered, self-directed, and - YES - great about the end of the year 🥂



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