#12: 2 Clarity Myths Busted & 3 Things to Stop Doing if You Feel Unclear

Aug 04, 2022
Kirsten Parker
#12: 2 Clarity Myths Busted & 3 Things to Stop Doing if You Feel Unclear

Not knowing what you want, what to do, or even who you are is probably one of the worst feelings on the planet.

And when you're wrestling with "clarity questions," it kinda doesn't matter if they seem SUPER HUGE or annoyingly small...

'Cause the truth is, EVERY decision is harder when you walk around your life thinking I don't know.

I don't know can start to flavor everything you come into contact with -- like pickles. (And I hate pickles...😣)

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In this episode, we talk about:

  • Why you can trust yourself if you don't feel totally aligned with something in your life (EVEN if it looks good on paper or you've worked really hard for it)
  • How having questions DOESN'T mean you don't know what you want
  • The 3 things I did (that YOU may be doing too) that were super ineffective to solve my clarity problem...but really effective at creating more stress 😉



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